David to star in new Radio 4 sitcom: Time Spanner

Photograph by Amanda Benson

A new sitcom pilot for radio 4 written by Simon Kane (who wrote some of Mitchell and Webb’s classic sketches such as Asbo Zapprudder), and starring David alongside John Finnemore, London Hughes, Jermey Limb and Simon Kane himself will be recording on the 8th of June. Gareth Edwards is producing who has worked on many Mitchell and Webb projects and is currently the producer of ‘Upstart Crow’; So it seems this will have a very familiar Mitchell and Webb type feel to it.

The plot promises to stick to Simon Kane’s surrealist writing style, and the little information we have about the show tells us we have: “a comedy about time travel, an evil self-storage empire, a slightly defensive angel and something rather a lot like love at first sight”.

John Finnemore took to twitter to reveal a little bit more, he said:“It’s incredibly funny and strange and moving but especially funny.” He also revealed: “Simon has cast me as a dead dog.”

Other than this very little is known about ‘Time Spanner’, but with hints of the show being emotional it will certainly be a very interesting recording; I’m lucky enough to have tickets and I will plan to write up a spoiler free recording report, to give a bit more information about the show, and then hopefully the pilot will be broadcast in the not too distant future.

The Upstart Crow Gallery

This is a large collection of Upstart Crow screen grabs and pictures from the first three episodes.

Ep1Ep1Upstart Crow - GenericsEp1Ep1Ep1Ep1Ep1Ep1Ep1Upstart Crow - GenericsUpstart Crow - GenericsUpstart Crow - GenericsUpstart Crow - GenericsUpstart Crow - GenericsFeatured Image -- 286© BBC / Colin Hutton© BBC / Colin Hutton© BBC / Colin Hutton© BBC / Colin Hutton624vlcsnap-2016-05-24-00h15m53s118IMG_3415landscape-1462803119-10436797-low-res-upstart-crowIMG_3404IMG_34051-zeDyAFNbSVnnO7ldKJe_xwIMG_3386

Programme Name: Upstart Crow – TX: n/a – Episode: Ep1 (No. 1) – Picture Shows: Will Shakespeare (DAVID MITCHELL) – (C) BBC – Photographer: Colin Hutton


Upstart Crow News and Clips Roundup


Upstart Crow debuted with 1.29 million (a 7.96% audience share) which is apparently quite good for the time slot. It also  had a decent write up across the board from the papers and comedy sites (links to a couple of good ones below). The show did however divide opinion on Twitter, but considering this is the first episode, I think that was to be suspected. With most of the negativity coming from claims of ‘canned laughter’, having been in the audience I can say this was not the case.






There’s also a poll you can vote in on Digital Spy:



Here are a couple of previews for the next episode:

